How to choose the right B2B tech marketing agency

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Selecting the right B2B tech marketing agency can have a profound impact on your business’s growth, particularly for technology businesses in high-growth or complex markets looking to enhance their digital marketing capabilities. When chosen carefully, the right agency becomes far more than just a service provider – they bring specialised expertise, deep technical knowledge of your industry, and a proven track record across multiple sectors. The right partner can offer fresh perspectives, industry best practices, and the strategic thinking needed to drive discussions forward.

Beyond this expertise, a truly effective agency adapts its services as your business evolves, staying agile in response to shifting market conditions and changing business objectives. Exceptional client service is also essential – the right agency should make you feel valued and keep you well-informed, ensuring a collaborative partnership marked by proactive account management and clear, frequent communication rather than making you feel like just another account on their client roster.

So, how do you find the right B2B tech marketing agency for your business? In this article, we explore the most important factors to consider and key questions you should be asking to help you make the best choice.

How to match an agency to your brief

One of the most important decisions you’ll face is choosing between a large-scale agency and a boutique or independent agency. Each has its merits, but the key is to match the agency’s scale and capabilities to your specific needs. Here’s what you need to know.

Large-scale agencies

Large-scale agencies offer a wide array of services with specialised teams, making them ideal for complex, multi-channel campaigns that require global coordination. These agencies often have established processes that ensure consistency and reliability, which can be particularly beneficial if your campaign needs to span multiple regions or requires localised expertise.

However, it’s important to consider whether your business will receive the attention it deserves. In larger agencies, smaller clients might not always be a top priority, potentially leading to slower response times and less flexibility. Their larger structures often come with more rigid processes and higher fees, so it’s important to weigh the benefits of their scale against these potential drawbacks.

Boutique/independent agencies

Boutique or independent agencies offer a more hands-on, customised approach, often providing direct access to senior leadership. These agencies tend to be highly adaptable, quickly pivoting in response to changes in your business needs or the market environment. Boutique agencies frequently focus on specific industries or services, bringing deep expertise and bespoke strategies. For instance, onebite specialises in telco, cyber security, and cloud/data – sectors that require marketing approaches centred on building trust, credibility, and distinct market positioning. This focused expertise can be invaluable, particularly when your marketing goals are closely tied to industry-specific challenges.

Thinking or doing? You probably need both…

In B2B marketing, the most successful agencies offer a blend of strategic thinking and tactical execution. Your business likely needs both to achieve its marketing goals effectively. Agencies with strong strategic capabilities can help you develop a long-term marketing vision that aligns with your broader business objectives. They bring fresh perspectives, reframing challenges and offering innovative solutions to complex problems. Such strategic insight can also bridge initiatives across different business functions, enhancing both the effectiveness and efficiency of your marketing.

However, sometimes strategy alone isn’t enough. You also need an agency that excels in execution. Without the ability to implement strategies effectively, even the best-laid plans can fall short. Therefore, it’s important to partner with an agency that can not only think, but also do.

Industry expertise: broad vs. narrow

When selecting a B2B tech marketing agency, industry expertise is fundamental. You need an agency that understands the intricacies of your sector, but there’s a balance to strike between narrow and broad industry focus.

An agency with deep expertise in your specific sector can offer bespoke strategies that resonate with your target audience. However, an agency too narrowly focused may miss out on broader industry trends or innovative ideas from other sectors. Cross-industry insights can be incredibly valuable, particularly when similar challenges are addressed in different verticals.

A good agency should be proactive in sharing these broader insights with you regularly. Their own content marketing and thought leadership can serve as indicators of their market perspective and how they frame insights and actions. Agencies well-regarded for their thought leadership often have a solid track record of understanding complex challenges and how marketing needs to evolve to meet the changing dynamics of B2B buying journeys. When evaluating agencies, consider how they incorporate these insights into their content and recommendations, and whether they can bring fresh ideas from outside your immediate industry.

The role of agency partnerships

An often-overlooked aspect of choosing the right marketing agency is the strength of its partnerships with key martech vendors and technology platforms. These partnerships can significantly amplify the value the agency can deliver.

For example, by fostering strong relationships with vendors such as 6Sense, Infuse Media, or HG Insights, an agency can expand its strategic offering and boost campaign ROI without diluting its core skillset. These partnerships often provide agencies with priority access to vendor support, early access to new features, and exclusive tools that can give your campaigns a competitive edge. A good agency will manage these partnerships seamlessly, ensuring that the additional resources enhance your marketing without complicating the process.

Additionally, the agency’s partner network can offer supplementary resources, insights, and best practices that directly benefit your marketing efforts. Access to a broader ecosystem of partners enables more advanced, integrated marketing solutions and even opportunities for co-innovation, where the agency collaborates with vendors to develop custom solutions tailored to your specific needs.

In cases of technical issues, agencies with solid vendor partnerships can expedite troubleshooting and problem resolution, ensuring that your marketing operations run smoothly with minimal disruption.

Evaluating the agency’s track record

When reviewing potential agency partners, their track record should be a key consideration. Look beyond the surface of flashy awards and dive into the substance of their case studies and client testimonials.

A well-crafted case study should provide depth and insight into the rationale behind the agency’s strategic approach, clearly outlining the challenges faced, the strategies implemented, and the results achieved. Testimonials can complement this by offering a more personal perspective on the agency’s ability to deliver.

Awards can be an indicator of excellence, but on their own they don’t prove an agency’s overall capabilities. Awards often recognise specific campaigns or achievements, which may not reflect the agency’s ability to deliver consistently across all projects.

Ask about the longevity of the agency’s client relationships. Long-term partnerships are a strong indicator of the agency’s ability to deliver ongoing value and justify its ROI over time.

Assessing the agency’s team and culture

The people behind the agency are just as important as its track record. A team with a balanced mix of skills and experience can provide a broader range of ideas and a better understanding of market trends and changes. Consistency within the team is another important consideration – high staff retention rates indicate a stable agency environment, which ensures continuity in your projects and avoids over-reliance on a few key individuals.

Culture fit is another essential aspect. The agency’s culture should align with your company’s values, work style, and processes. You can assess this through chemistry meetings and by reviewing employee testimonials. It’s important to determine how involved senior expertise will be in your account, as a good agency team should include senior strategic expertise and a broad range of exceptional skills.

Red flags: When to disqualify an agency

Not all agencies are a good fit, and there are certain red flags that should prompt you to disqualify a potential partner in our experience:

  • Surface-level understanding: If an agency fails to grasp your business model and industry specifics, this is a major warning sign. They should be asking questions and showing a genuine interest in getting to know your business, rather than offering generic solutions that don’t address your unique needs.
  • Tactical focus over strategy: An agency that prioritises execution without a strategic foundation may appear to “throw mud at the wall” with no clear rationale behind campaigns. It’s essential that your agency partner has a strong strategic foundation to their work.
  • No “net new ideas”: If an agency merely echoes your thoughts without challenging assumptions or offering new ideas, they’re not adding value. While you don’t want a combative partner, you do want one who brings fresh perspectives and solutions.
  • Poor communication: Lack of transparency in processes and updates can leave you feeling uninformed. Clear and frequent communication is essential for a successful partnership.
  • Lack of senior involvement: An agency that relies too heavily on junior staff without involving senior team members may lack the strategic oversight needed for high-level expertise on your account.

Agency selection checklist

It’s important to ask the right questions to determine whether an agency has the capabilities you need. The following ten questions are designed to help you assess how well prospective partners align with the key points covered in this article, ensuring they’re a good fit for your business.

  1. Can you provide specific examples or case studies of your work within our industry?

  2. How do you incorporate insights from other industries to bring new perspectives to your clients?

  3. Can you share an example of when you challenged a client’s brief and how that led to improved results?

  4. What is the average length of your client relationships, and how do you work to maintain and grow these partnerships over time?

  5. How would you describe your agency’s culture, and how does it influence your work and client relationships?

  6. What is your staff retention rate, and how do you ensure continuity and expertise within your team for client projects?

  7. Which technology platforms and marketing vendors do you partner with, and how do these partnerships add value to your services?

  8. What does your client communication process look like? How frequently can we expect updates, and how do you handle urgent issues or changes in project scope?

  9. How do you stay current with industry and marketing trends, and what is your approach to ongoing staff training and professional development?

  10. How do you ensure that your strategy development and recommendations are tailored to our specific needs rather than relying on generic solutions?

Choosing your ideal marketing partner

Choosing the right B2B tech marketing agency is an important decision that can have lasting effects on your business’s success. By carefully evaluating potential partners using the insights discussed in this article, you can ensure that you select an agency that not only meets your immediate needs but also aligns with your long-term growth objectives. The right agency should be a strategic partner, capable of adapting to your evolving challenges and contributing to your sustained success.

We understand that finding the perfect fit can be challenging, so if you’d like to explore any of the ideas we’ve discussed or need further guidance, get in touch to arrange an informal chat with one of our specialist B2B marketers.

Kiri Craig

Kiri Craig, Managing Partner

Kiri has been working in marketing agencies for almost 20 years, and in that time she has worked across a range of B2B and B2C sectors, from large enterprise clients to SMEs.

For the last decade, Kiri has been focused solely on B2B marketing, and as Managing Partner of onebite, Kiri draws on this experience to feed into B2B demand generation strategies for our clients and prospects, and to oversee onebite’s delivery.

At onebite, she’s curated a team of B2B demand generation specialists from the best talent on the market, helping our tech and telco clients launch, refine and amplify their brands to generate long-term revenue growth. Kiri’s passion and drive to deliver exceptional work for our clients is evident to everyone who meets her.

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